146 datasets found

Category: Administrative Units For Sale: For sale

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  • This dataset contains the regions (Kantons) in Switzerland. The data was collected from OpenData Swiss. There are 26 Kantons in Switzerland and it is the highest granularity...
    • Polygon
      • Availability:
      • Available
  • This dataset contains the municipalities in Germany. The data was collected from the official website of German open data gdz.bkg.bund.de. There are approx. 11 395...
    • Polygon
      • Availability:
      • Available
  • This dataset cointains the postal areas in the United Kingdom. This is the least detailed postal division that CleveMaps offer. We also offer the whole dimension of postal...
    • Polygon
      • Availability:
      • Available
  • This dimension contains the administrative division of Poland. It has seven levels of administrative units with the lowest one being neighborhoods. You can connect this...
    • Polygon
      • Availability:
      • Available
  • This dataset contains the municipalities (Občine) in Slovenia. The data was collected from the Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia. There are 212...
    • Polygon
      • Availability:
      • Available
  • This dimension contains the administrative division of Finland. It has two levels of administrative division with the lowest one being municipalities (Kunta). You can connect...
    • Polygon
      • Availability:
      • Upon request
  • This dataset contains the counties in Romania. The data was collected from the source that no longer exists. There are 41 of these administrative division and one city with...
    • Polygon
      • Availability:
      • Available
  • This dataset contains the municipalities with Budapest city districts in Hungary. The data was collected from Hungarian Central Statistical Office. There are approx. 3 177...
    • Polygon
      • Availability:
      • Available
  • This dimension contains the administrative division of Slovenia. It has three levels of administrative division with the lowest one being statistical sectors (Naselj). You can...
    • Polygon
      • Availability:
      • Available
  • This dataset contains the municipalities including the number of inhabitants and the cadastre area in Germany. The data was collected from the official website of German open...
    • Polygon
      • Availability:
      • Available
  • This dataset contains the regions in France. The data was collected from the platform for French Open Data. There are 18 regions in France and it is the highest granularity...
    • Polygon
      • Availability:
      • Available
  • This dimension contains the administrative division of Austria. It has four levels of administrative division with the lowest one being municipalities and city districts. You...
    • Polygon
      • Availability:
      • Available
  • This dataset contains the districts (Novadi) in Latvia. The data was collected from the Latvia Open data portal. There are 43 districts in Latvia (36 + 7 city districts) and it...
    • Polygon
      • Availability:
      • Available
  • This dataset contains the provinces in Ireland. The data was collected from the Ireland's Open data portal. There are 4 provinces in Ireland and it is the highest granularity...
    • Polygon
      • Availability:
      • Available
  • This dimension contains the administrative division of Hong Kong. It has four levels of administrative division with the lowest one being Small Street Block Groups. You can...
    • Polygon
      • Availability:
      • Available
  • This dataset contains the postal districts in the United Kingdom. Postal districts are the middle-detailed postal division in the United Kingdom that CleverMaps offer and you...
    • Polygon
      • Availability:
      • Available
  • This dataset contains the postal sectors in the United Kingdom. Postal sectors are the most detailed postal division that CleverMaps offer. In case you need to map your data to...
    • Polygon
      • Availability:
      • Available
  • This dataset contains the evidential units (Jednostki ewidencyjne) in Poland. The data was collected from Główny Urząd Statystyczny. There are approx. 3 178 evidential units in...
    • Polygon
      • Availability:
      • Available
  • This dimension contains the administrative division of Portugal. It has three levels of administrative division with the lowest one being civil parishes (Frequesias). You can...
    • Polygon
      • Availability:
      • Upon request
  • This dimension contains the administrative division of Norway. It has three levels of administrative division with the lowest one being statistical sectors (Grunnkretser). You...
    • Polygon
      • Availability:
      • Upon request